NEERI Biodiversity Portal      

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NBP was inaugurated by Dr. M.S. Ladania, Director, NRCC Nagpur on 8 April 2015


(Neptis jumbah (Linnaeus))

Family Nymphalidae

Brush footed Butterflies

CHESHNUT STREAKED SAILOR (Neptis jumbah) is a common butterfly and member of family Nymphalidae. It is commonly found in South Asia and Southeast Asia. It is a sun-loving butterfly which can be often seen basking in morning sunlight. The Common Sailor butterflies are in fully opened wings when basking and perching. It is very common butterfly in India and prefers different habitats as deciduous as well as evergreen forests, wastelands, home gardens, urban areas and forest clearings etc. More common after rains. Fond of flowers and comes to water.

They are noted for their characteristic graceful sailing flight with wings spread out flat and occasional flicking of wings, and their shared theme of white spots and bars on a black background. Common Sailor butterflies have weak flight with short and shallow wing beats.

Upperside of Common Sailor butterfly is having blackish brown base color with series of whitish spots. The thorax is having dusty appearance with in peacock blue color. Underside markings of Common Sailor butterfly resemble those on upper side but with lighter brown color.

Common Sailor butterfly is fond of feeding on nectar plants and ripened fruits. The male butterfly feeds on bird droppings to replenish the minerals after mating. It can be commonly seen patrolling around the host plants and flower bushes.

Common Sailor is not a highly alerted butterfly which allows going closer when basking and perching. Therefore, it is very easy to capture them in a photograph as well as to observe.