NEERI Biodiversity Portal      

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Facilitates Learning & Sharing Knowledge of Biodiversity on a Click
NBP was inaugurated by Dr. M.S. Ladania, Director, NRCC Nagpur on 8 April 2015

Moti Bhonpatri, Creeping Launaea

Launaea procumbens (Roxb) Ramayya & Rajagopal

Botanical name : Launaea procumbens (Roxburgh) Ramayya & Rajagopal.
Common Name : Moti Bhonpatri, Creeping Launaea
Family : Asteraceae (Compositae)
Synonym : Prenanthes procumbens Roxb.
About : Launea plant is glabrous herb, with prostrate or decumbent stems and branches but not rooting at nodes. Leaves of the plant are mostly radical,entire or pinnatifid, glabrous.Inflorescence is Head (Capitulum) while, Flowers are yellow in heads which are solitary or a few together along the branches. Fruits are Achenes truncate at both ends, strongly 4-ribbed. Flowering and Fruiting Time is October onwards. Significance of the plant is that it is used as fodder for goats. It is also used in the preparation of a cooling sherbet. Leaves of the plant are used locally in curries in Gujarat.