NEERI Biodiversity Portal      

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NBP was inaugurated by Dr. M.S. Ladania, Director, NRCC Nagpur on 8 April 2015


Pterospermum acerifolium Linn

Botanical name : Pterospermum acerifolium Linn
Synonym : Pentapetes acerifolia L.
Vernacular name : Maple-leaved Bayur tree / Kanak Champa
Family : Sterculiaceae
About the Tree : Pterospermum acerifolium (karnikara tree) is an angiosperm indigenous to Southeast Asia, from India to Burma.
Height : Grows up to 15-20m
Bark : The bark of the tree is grey in color and is considered to be fairly soft.
Leaf : Leaves variable in size and shape, 20-35 cm long, orbicular or oblong, with a cordate base. Leaf edges are, entire or dentate (remotely toothed) or irregularly lobed. The top side of the leaves is a dark green color with a glabrescent texture, Silvery or grey tomentose beneath. Leaves have a peltate blade base.
Flower : The Bayur tree produces large, white, finger shaped flowers in the spring. Flowers begin as one long bud, then separating into five more slender sepals as it matures. Each sepal can be up to seven inches long. The sepals of the flower curl outward and around the white and gold stamen located at the center. The flowers are nocturnal and exceptionally fragrant, suggesting they attract moths for pollination.
Fruits : Fruit is a capsule, oblong, 5-angled, dark brown, woody with a very rough texture sometimes covered with brown hairs.
Season : Flowering and fruiting time-January to April
Medicinal Properties

Peculiar Character
: Flower and bark is used for its medicinal value. Flowers used in inflammations, ulcers, tumors and leprosy

: Fruits can take a very long time to completely mature, up to an entire year.