NEERI Biodiversity Portal      

                     Easy access to campus Biodiversity...

Facilitates Learning & Sharing Knowledge of Biodiversity on a Click
NBP was inaugurated by Dr. M.S. Ladania, Director, NRCC Nagpur on 8 April 2015


Ruellia tuberosa L.

Botanical name : Ruellia tuberosa L..
Common Name : Minnieroot/Bluebell
Family : Acanthaceae
Synonym : Ruellia clandestine
About : Minnieroot is a Low-growing tropical perennial herb with a hairy stem, growing up to a height of foot or more .The simple leaves are opposite and elliptic, short petioled , abruptly narrowed at the base, the stem is 4 sided. The big bisexual flowers are showy, with funnel-shaped, 5-lobed corolla, up to 5 cm across, and mauve or light bluish purple. The plant only flowers after the start of the rainy season, with tuberous roots .The ripe fruits, in a pod with 7 - 8 seeds each, bursting open and hurtling the seeds and the black seeds are hurdled away. Plant is native to America, India, South Asia. The root is used against kidney diseases and for whooping cough. An infusion is used for cleansing the blood.