NEERI Biodiversity Portal      

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NBP was inaugurated by Dr. M.S. Ladania, Director, NRCC Nagpur on 8 April 2015


(Leptotes plinius (Fabricus))


Zebra blue very common but beautiful butterfly. The Zebra Blue Butterfly is a small brownish and blue-grey butterfly also known as Plumbago Blue. It's known as "Zebra blue" because its underside has white and brown strips that resemble the zebra strips. The other name "Plumbago Blue" is used because its larva feed on plumbago plant.

Distribution of zebra blue is across South East Asia. Habitat of zebra blue is open woodland where they feed on native plants. Prefers open drier regions, but also seen at the edges of evergreen forests. They are most often seen in gardens around Plumbago plants. Adults fly within a few metres of the ground and are usually seen flying around the food plant. Flights are rapid and sustained for periods. More often seen around food plant bushes in NEERI campus. Can also be seen around damp patches, mud puddling with other Lycaenids butterflies.

Size of wings is wingspan 22-30 mm. They are quite small and look like moths from a distance, but up close you see the blue patterns. Males are territorial and pugnacious often seen chasing each other. The underside is a marbled brown and white pattern. Hind wing is tailed, typical zebra like markings on under unmistakable. Both sexes have whitish under with alternately broad and narrow irregular, brown bands at right angle. The bands are being broken up into spots on under hind wing. Under markings seen on upper through are visible translucent pale violet-blue wings of the male. Female upper brown, basically blue with dark spotted white discal areas.