NEERI Biodiversity Portal      

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NBP was inaugurated by Dr. M.S. Ladania, Director, NRCC Nagpur on 8 April 2015


Altrocarpus heterophyllus

Botanical name : Artocarpus heterophyllus
Synonym : Artocarpus integrifolia
Vernacular name : Jackfruit/kathal
Family : Moraceae
About the Tree : Jackfruit is a tree which is unique in the fact that it produced huge fruits directly from its stem. Jackfruit is most probably native of the rain-forests of the Western Ghats. In fact, the name Jackfruit is derived from the Malayalam name chakka.
Height : 10-20m
Bark : Crooked trunk, smooth and shining stems, succulent, with abundant sticky, milky latex. Bark has a smooth, papery outer layer which is grey, shining, and constantly exfoliating in small flakes. Wood is yellowish-white and soft.
Leaf : Leathery Shiny smooth leaves 6 to 9 inch long, oval on mature trees, sometimes oblong or deeply lobed on young shoots. All parts contain sticky, white latex.
Flower : Short, stout flowering twigs emerge from the trunk, large branches, or even from the soil-covered base of very old trees. Tiny male flowers are borne in oblong clusters 2-4 in length; the female flower clusters are elliptic or rounded.
Fruits : Its fruit is the largest tree-borne fruit, reaching as much as 80 pounds (36 kg) in weight, 36 inches (90 cm) in length, and 20 inches (50 cm) in diameter. The flesh of the jackfruit is starchy and fibrous There may be 100 or up to 500 seeds in a single fruit.
Season : Jackfruit season is September through December, and again from June to August. Peak production is during the monsoon season.
Medicinal Properties Peculiar Character : Fruits are anti-bacterial and anti diabetic, anti inflammatory, diuretic .